
Each inspection is linked to one checklist. The checklist can be customized to whatever detailed level required by the customer. The checklist is the template for the inspection report.

A checklist is a list of checkpoints to go through when performing the inspection at the production facility.
It is always possible to take pictures, put statuses and write comments when inputting information on a checkpoint.
Some of the below checkpoint types can be enriched with order data, or product data.


Checkpoint types

  1. Standard
    Possible to input status, pictures and comments.

  2. Measurements
    Possible to manually create measurement table with relevant specifications and tolerances.
    Possible to automatically enrich with order data or product data.

  3. Multiple Choice
    Can be set to allow single select, or multi select.
    All options can have a name, detailed description, custom color as well as an indicator that shows the checkpoint is failed when a choice is chosen.

  4. Text
    Possible to input free text in fields. For example Address of supplier.
    Limited to be set up with rows only.

  5. Text Table
    Possible to input free text in fields. For example Address of supplier.
    Possible to adjust custom amount of rows and columns to input information.

  6. Barcode
    Barcode scanning checkpoint. Inspector will be taken to a barcode scanner using their camera when inputting information here.
    Can be used to check whether or not a barcode is scannable, and if it is enriched with order/product data, can be used to validate if it is the expected barcode.
    Possible to automatically enrich with order data or product data.

Instruction details
This field will show for the inspector when performing the inspection. Can be used to instruct the inspector what information should be filled in, or how the pictures should be taken. Could also be used to give the inspector a notice of being extra aware of something specific at that checkpoint.

It is possible to have attached files for the checkpoints as well. These files will be available for the inspector as well.

Extra parameters

  • Show status buttons

Can be ticked off to not show status buttons, meaning the inspector cannot set a status for that checkpoint.

  • Add visual space below checkpoint

Can be used to add a visual space below this checkpoint. Will both show a visual space in the checklist on the web, and also on the app for the inspector.

  • Mandatory to fill in

Inspector won't be able to submit the inspection if there is no information input for this checkpoint. Could be a comment, status or picture.

  • Mandatory to take pictures

Inspector won't be able to submit the inspection if no picture has been taken for this checkpoint. (edited) 

Below you will see a few example of Qarma Best Practice Checklists